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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

Weekly Round Up: 6 Favorite Business Stories

Any marketing consultant worth their weight reads - we read a lot. Partly because we need to in order to be strategic and innovative. And partly because we're all just a little bit obsessed with what we do.

Here's a break down of my 6 favorite business stories from this week.

Why Did This Make The List: Big events can inspire big ideas. They are not always great but some really inspirational campaigns can come out of the Olympics. This list is a great round up. 

And on a personal note, I love the Olympics.

Favorite quote: "But for two weeks, billions of eyes from around the world watched athletes attempt to break records and bring home the gold. What a perfect opportunity for marketers, no?"

Why Did This Make The List: I've always been a fan of using customers in your marketing. People want to relate to something and if they can seem themselves as one of your customers, you probably have them. 

Favorite quote: "There’s no benefit to a business getting its story out. Customers only care about their own stories."

Why Did This Make The List: Social Media can feel a little bit like staring an blank sheet of paper. This article is chock full of ideas to get you started.

Favorite quote: "Achieving higher reader engagement is all about knowing your audience. After you get a better grasp of your readers’ habits and online routines, you can begin to target them properly in ways they want to interact."

Why Did This Make The List: Not a marketing article but as a business owner, manager or in any other role, you'll need to make a hard decision at some point. I help people make these decisions every day so I know the importance of this topic.

Favorite quote: "But serious problems are usually gray. By themselves, tools and techniques won’t give you answers. You have to use your judgment and make hard choices."

Why Did This Make The List: Everyone is looking for better results on social media and it can be overwhelming. You can really get lost down a rabbit hole so I appreciate quick, actionable lists like this one.

Favorite quote: "At least once a month you should review how your past posts and tweets are doing and look for potential trends."

Why Did This Make The List: Just like Social Media, SEO can be daunting. This is another actionable list to help you take charge.

Favorite quote: "You may not have the time or resources right now to do an expensive site overhaul or to even commit to SEO long-term. You may only want a few simple tweaks that will help move the needle."

Happy Reading!

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