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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

The 9 Apps I Live By

Everyone has their favorite apps - a game, music or movie streaming, etc. As a marketer,

entrepreneur and mom, I have a very specific list of must-have apps. My list might seem pretty simple. In fact, I have a little secret, I hate having apps on my phone. It's sad how few apps I have, a former co-worker of mine (an app developer) would always say I didn't even need a smartphone.

Here are the 9 apps I couldn't live without and why:

1. Gmail - Every single one of my emails (I have a few) are Gmail based. I stay hyper organized with my email and the Gmail app lets me organize everything just as easily on my phone as I do on my computer.

2. Google Music - Playing right now. From Rockabye Baby to nostalgic '90s guilty pleasures, Google Music powers almost every moment of my day. It's so easy to make playlists, share them, find new music and find the perfect radio station for you. We have a family plan so we pay $10 a month for unlimited streaming. Plus you can download music for when you're not on WiFi.

3. Google Keep - This app helps me run my family, business and blog. I create lists for everything, catalog all of my ideas and even used it to name our daughter. You can share lists easily and they sync with between phones smoothly. 

4. Instagram - My friends and family are spread out and with new little baby keeping in touch is essential. Instagram is my favorite way to stay connected and show off the cutest little girl in the world.

5. Linkedin - If you're in any sort of professional role, your profile better be updated and this app better be on your phone.

6. Twitter - I have as many Twitter accounts as I do emails and this app let's me keep up with everything anywhere I go. If you're connecting with anyone on Twitter, keep this app on your phone.

7. BabyCenter - This was my best friend throughout my pregnancy and is still crucial with a new born. You can find the answer to almost anything you're wondering. Plus every Saturday during my pregnancy my husband and I read the progress report part together to see how the baby was developing.

8. YouTube - Baby Einstein is quickly becoming a favorite for our daughter and YouTube houses all things Baby Einstein, making this app essential.

9. Chromecast - And what good is YouTube without Chromecast? We use the Chromecast app to watch almost everything.

You'll notice Facebook and Facebook Messenger are both missing from this list. It's not a mistake, I don't have either of these apps. While I used Facebook a lot, I always use it on my phone's browser because it causes far less issues and doesn't drain the battery as quickly as the apps.

What are some of your must-have apps?

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