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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

How to Give Feedback that Helps Achieve Your Goals

Working with an internal or external marketing team should always be a partnership. This partnership should have one common focus - achieving your business goals. The power of your knowledge and expertise combined with marketing talent can really propel your business.

A strategic partnership like this is a two-way street. You should have high expectations that your marketing team can bring ideas and execution that meet your audience’s needs. They should have recommendations, analysis and insight based on best practices and their experience.

Your role is to give them feedback based on your experience, knowledge of your business and familiarity with the audience. Clear, concise and actionable feedback is the cornerstone of efficient and effective work.

Here are some tips for giving productive feedback that helps achieve your business goals.

  1. Be specific - The more specific and actionable you can be, the more your team will understand what you’re going for and the quicker they’ll be align with your vision.

  2. Provide reasoning - When giving feedback, share your reasoning behind it. A good marketing team will learn from this reasoning and build on it. This will help the current project and future projects.

  3. Be collaborative - Your team should provide reasoning and background behind their work. Listen to their commentary and discuss their points and yours. Collaboration can push work from good to great.

  4. Try to be consistent - If you’re reviewing emails, landing pages or radio scripts, try to be consistent. This can be difficult but it will help elevate the work overall.

  5. Answer questions - The team might come back with questions on your feedback. Do your best to answer the questions your receive.

  6. Focus on important elements - There are some elements of each piece of work that do all of the heavy lifting. Focus your time and energy on those elements.

  7. Find a way to communicate - If it’s not reasonable for your to provide in depth feedback via email, ask to schedule a call. Find the best way for your to communicate your feedback.

  8. Take your time - Take some time to review the work and put together thoughtful comments.

  9. Look at the work more than once - Sometimes a gut reaction to a piece of work might not be the most accurate. Look at each piece more than one time so you can really understand and digest it.

Solid and productive feedback can really transform your marketing process and marketing work. And a solid marketing approach can grow your business tremendously. These tips will lead to a productive and result-driven relationship for you and your marketing team.

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