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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

How to Achieve Messaging Consistency

It’s the holy grail of marketing - messaging consistency.

When you think about it, it’s easy to understand why it’s so hard to achieve. Take a second to think about all of the different people that touch and represent your brand.

You probably have the best grasp on your brand’s messaging. But then you also have graphic designers, writers, marketing ‘experts’, customer service representatives, influencers and a whole host of others who represent your brand.

With all of that in mind, how do you achieve messaging consistency? Is it it even possible?

It is, it just takes some work, planning and stewardship.

You achieve messaging consistency by:

-Being clear. Establish clear expectations and make the messaging clear to everyone who represents the brand.

-Communicating the messaging often. At every turn, make sure you sure you’re communicating the message to your team.

-Starting from the top down. It all starts with you and the rest of your leadership team. The more consistent you are with your messaging, the more everyone else will follow suit.

-Making yourself a guide & checking against it. If you’re worried about how to implement messaging, make a guide and everything against it. Print it out and put in on your wall if you need to but every email, every Instagram post and every customer service script should be checked against your messaging guide.

-Surveying your customers to understand if the messaging is working. My clients have heard me say it before - if you poll all of your customers in the past six months, they should say the same thing about your brand. My advice, actually do that. See if the consistency is really being carried out.

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