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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

Have You Taken Your Marketing as Far as You Can?

I work with owners, entrepreneurs and CEOs on a daily basis who have been doing it all themselves. This might sound familiar to you.

You started a business, wear a million different hats and one of them is marketing. You’ve learned a lot about a lot of different things. Some social media, some PPC, some SEO, the list goes on.

But now you’re stuck.

Your on-the-job training can only take you so far. And honestly, you have too many of things to do to keep your business running and growing.

Here are some signs you’ve taken your marketing as far as you can:

-You’ve stopped trying new things. You’re not willing to try new marketing channels.

-Marketing comes last. You’ve grown so busy that marketing has started to take a backseat. You get to it when you can and can only devote a small amount of time to it.

-There haven’t been any new ads in months. You have a successful Facebook or Adwords campaign but you haven’t infused any new ads into those campaigns in months.

-You are not really sure how things are performing. Other things have taken priority and you’ve lost sight of how things are going.

-Ideas don’t come naturally anymore. When I talk to owners or CEOs and they say “why didn’t I think of that”, I always explain that it’s unreasonable to expect yourself to run a business and think of the next big idea in marketing.

-It’s just you. You know you need help but right now it’s just you.

If any (or more likely, all) of these signs apply to you, you’re not alone. It’s time to add to your team. You are missing out on opportunities for optimization and growth - both marketing and otherwise.

Think of all of all of the marketing things you could be doing if you had extra hands. Or think of all of the other operations, sales and other tasks you could be doing if marketing wasn’t weighing you down.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you’ve done great. If you’ve been able to grow a business to a point where you’re too busy to handle marketing yourself, well done. Now, don’t let it stall out.

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