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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

Executing a Brand Position Part 1: Design

A clear brand position is the cornerstone to a solid marketing strategy. But your brand position is only as good as the execution.

This series will look at ways to execute your brand position across different parts of your marketing.

First, let’s start with graphic design or the visual pieces of your brand. This is usually the first impression any customer gets of your brand which makes it essential.

So, how can you help your graphic design team execute your brand position?

Here are some important steps:

-Build a mood board - During the process of defining your brand position, you should look to create a mood board. This is a collection of images that you feel closely represents as brand position. It acts as inspiration and a guideline. It also helps the design team visualize how the brand position will come to life.

-Pay attention to the details - The devil is in the details so make sure you pay attention. This can mean everything from color palette and image style to fonts.

-Get the team on the same page - This one is absolutely crucial. As you roll out your brand positioning, take the time to get your team excited and on board. If you can make them feel involved and heard throughout the process, that’s even better. The more connected they feel and the better they understand it, the more clearly see it reflected in their designs.

-Check against the position - Use your brand positioning statement as a guideline. If you’re feeling unsure about how a piece of design work represents the positioning, check it against the brand positioning statement. These checks and balances will really help bring clarity to your design, especially in the beginning. And they can be a great temperature check from time-to-time.

-Evaluate consistency - Another important thing to evaluate is consistency. The goal of executing a brand positioning is to build consistency across all customer touchpoints. Check your design consistency.

A brand position won’t do much for your business if it isn’t well-executed. Follow the tips above about execution for a brand position. What issues have you run into in executing your brand position?

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