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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

6 Tips for Useful Reporting

Updated: Aug 15, 2018

Marketing efforts are only as good as their reporting. A solid marketing report should be the basis for decision making, budgeting and more. Here are 6 tips to make sure your reporting is useful.

1. Clear goals - Set clear goals for your reports. Reporting without understanding the purpose of the report often leads to a lot of wasted time and unnecessary metrics. Avoid these pitfalls with a clear vision for your reporting.

2. Stay organized - A well-done marketing report should be organized and focused, it will be used a guide for important strategic conversations. 

3. Actionable next steps - Every marketing report should come to set of clear conclusions with actionable next steps. If your reporting doesn't provide actions, then it has very little purpose.

4. Visualization - Including visualizations of certain key KPIs can help foster discussion. They don't need to be fancy or overly done but they need to make sense and tell a clear story.

5. Trends - Look to identify trends. Good or bad, trends will help you see where to go next.

6. Timing - Decide on a reasonable reporting schedule - too close together and you won't see the full picture. Too far apart and you won't get a chance to react to the information.

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