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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

8 Signs Your Marketing Program Isn’t Working

Do you have this nagging feeling that something’s not right? Is your business not living up to it’s potential? Your current marketing program might be to blame. Marketing programs stop providing results for a variety of reasons - lack of time, no direction, no clear goal.

They always say, “The first step is admitting you have a problem.” Well, you might be too busy or too close to the problem to see it. Here are some signs that your marketing program just isn’t working.

  1. You can’t easily tell - If you can’t confidently answer, “Yes, my marketing program is doing what I want it to!” It’s probably because it’s not working. If you’re unclear on the results or it’s hard to tell what the results mean, that’s usually a sign that it’s not doing it’s job.

  2. You’re not engaging with new clients/customers regularly - Customer service is important but it’s not only the thing. When was the last time you talked to a new customer?

  3. You can’t easily describe your business - I often ask clients to describe their business in one sentence and it’s usually a hard task. Being able to easily describe what makes your business different is one of the hallmarks of a successful marketing program.

  4. There’s no clear plan for what comes next - What’s happening next week, next month or next quarter? If you don’t have a good sense of the plan ahead, you’re marketing might not be well thought-out and improv marketing just doesn’t grow your business like you’re hoping to do.

  5. There’s no automation - Are you doing everything by hand? Sending each customer email, pulling information, etc. This takes up far too much time and is a sign that you don’t have the right tools as part of your program.

  6. You’ve been ignoring it - We all ignore things that just are not working. If you’re dreading spending time on marketing your business, it’s probably because you don’t feel it’s helping achieve your business goals.

  7. It’s more work than it’s worth - Spending hours and dollars for little to no results is incredibly frustrating. If you put in more than you get out, it’s time to make a change.

  8. You’re not excited about it - Growing your business should be exciting. You should look forward to every chance you get to work on expanding and growing. If you’re not, it’s probably because you don’t get the results you want.

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