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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

7 Factors to Determine Your Email Marketing Frequency

I try to focus this blog on answering questions that I'm asked frequently throughout my conversations with fellow business owners. One of the questions I'm asked most frequently is, "How often should I be sending emails?"

Most business owners are afraid of scaring people away. And this is a legitimate fear but with careful thought and planning, you can build a regular, frequent schedule for emails. 

The goal is to balance the frequency so it's good for your customers and makes you money.

Think about these 7 factors when determining the right frequency.

1. Size of list - If your list is smaller, you'll want to send less. You have less room to maneuver and the opt out percentage can get large quickly.

2. Opt In vs. Opt Out - Are more people joining your list than leaving it? Customer will always leave your list for one reason or another but if you're growing faster than they're leaving, you're in a good place.

3. Open/CTR - Steady open and click through rates are signs of a healthy email program. If you're seeing success by these metrics, you might throttle up a tiny bit but don't go too crazy.

4. Testing - Test your frequency. This only works if you're pay close attention to the metrics. But your metrics might tell you everything you need to know about frequency.

5. Offers/Hook - Consistent, well-targeted offers will help your email marketing program succeed. If you have something to tell your audience on a frequent basis, then you have a reason to email them. For the most part, consumers will tolerate emails if they have purpose. 

6. List segmentation - Segment your list and target your emails. A well-segmented list will have good metrics in terms of points #2 and #3 above. This means you can contact them more often.

7. Profitability - Last but not least, if you're profitable with your email program than keep it going. Make sure you pay attention to the point of diminishing returns but if you can email the list everyday if it's good for your bottom line and sustainable.

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