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  • Writer's pictureAllison Amos

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Tools for Your Business

I often get asked, “what’s your favorite _______ tool?” Whether it’s email marketing, marketing automation, project management or any other tool, people are always looking for the “best” tool.

My argument is that one perfect tool doesn’t exist. Your business’ needs are different from another business’ needs. For instance, your marketing funnel might start with a free piece of content and flow through a webinar. Meanwhile, a eCommerce site might start with a promotion code and flow through to product recommendations.

Here are some tips for choosing the right tools for your business.

  1. Let your strategy dictate your needs - A sound strategy will produce a clear marketing funnel which will in turn determine your needs.

  2. Understand your organization - Knowing your team, their needs and their strengths will help you evaluate which tools will be right for you.

  3. Read reviews - Read reviews and try to find some from businesses similar to yours.

  4. Don’t employ too many - It’s tempting to try and incorporate every tool possible but more tools mean more money and more time. Explore a lean but comprehensive tool kit.

  5. Consider scale - If you’re planning for growth, don’t forget to plan for it with your tools. While one tool might fit you well now, it might not work for your business in a year.

Evaluating the different tools and matching them to your business’ needs can be time consuming but it’s a worthwhile exercise. Take your time and make sure you consider the tips above when find the right tool for your business.

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